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Friday, December 30, 2016

Hiding Vacation Rules Tip and OAF Personalization

These are the steps to hide Vacation Rule Tip:

1. Make sure personalization profile options are enabled.
FND: Personalization Region Link Enabled = Yes
Personalize Self-Service Defn = Yes
2. Log in to the home page and click personalize page in upper right corner.
3. Select Complete View and Expand All.
4. Locate line for "Tip: (Notifications.vacationRulesTip)".
5. Click on pencil and change property Rendered at level you want (Site / Function / Resp) from Inherit to False.

I, by mistake, chose Admin Personalization to False at site level in step 5. This made the pencil (for changing property) disappear from personalization page. To get rid of such incorrect personalization, followed the following steps:

1) Login to Oracle Applications as SYSADMIN
2) Select Functional Administrator [resp] > Personalization [tab]
3) Fill in the criteria to locate the OA Framework page and press Go
    Tip: Check 'Personalized' checkbox to only query the pages having a personalization
    In my case, path = /oracle/apps/fnd/wf/worklist/webui/AdvancWorklistRG
4) Identify the correct page from the results returned
5) Deleted the site level personalization.

How to Hide Vacation Rules Tip or Worklist Access Tip in Workflow Notifications Screen (Doc ID 972361.1)
How to Remove / Disable an OA Framework Personalization (Doc ID 304670.1)

Friday, August 12, 2016

Oracle EBTax Important Tables


Following are the main E-Business tax tables that will contain the setup information that will help support in troubleshooting E-Business tax information.

a. Tax Regimes: ZX_REGIMES_B
b. Taxes: ZX_TAXES_B
c. Tax Status: ZX_STATUS_B
d. Tax Rates: ZX_RATES_B
e. Tax Jurisdictions: ZX_JURISDICTIONS_B
f. Tax Rules: ZX_RULES_B

To get a dump of the eTax setups, you can use the following set of queries.
Please provide the tax regime code when prompted. If the issue is limited to a tax then provide the tax name when prompted else please leave it blank.

FROM zx_regimes_b
WHERE tax_regime_code = '&tax_regime_code';

FROM zx_taxes_b
WHERE DECODE('&tax_name',null,'xxx',tax) = nvl('&tax_name','xxx')
AND tax_regime_code = '&tax_regime_code';

FROM zx_status_b
WHERE tax = '&tax_name'
AND tax_regime_code = '&tax_regime_code';

FROM zx_rates_b
WHERE tax = '&tax_name'
AND tax_regime_code = '&tax_regime_code';

FROM zx_jurisdictions_b
WHERE DECODE('&tax_name',null,'xxx',tax) = nvl('&tax_name','xxx')
AND tax_regime_code = '&tax_regime_code';

FROM zx_rules_b
WHERE tax = '&tax_name'
AND tax_regime_code = '&tax_regime_code';