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Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Transactions to GL: Tables Step by Step

Transactions to GL: Tables step by step

Oracle EBS GL tables are populated in this approach:

Check xla_ae_headers table if the transactions are transfered to GL successfully.

xla_ae_headers.gl_transfer_status_code = 'Y'
xla_ae_headers.gl_transfer_date is not null
xla_ae_headers.group_id is not null

For 11i data upgraded to R12 version:

xla_ae_headers.gl_transfer_status_code = 'Y'
xla_ae_headers.gl_transfer_date is null
xla_ae_headers.group_id is null
xla_ae_headers.upg_batch_id is not null (this indicates the upgraded data from 11i)

In case of errors, refer to xla_accounting_errors table.

Step 2: Query GL_IMPORT_REFERENCES table. It has reference to gl_sl_link_id column in xla_ae_lines table.

Step 3: In this stage you can query GL_JE_BATCHES, GL_JE_HEADERS, GL_JE_LNES tables.

You may find this link helpful:

Thursday, September 13, 2012

BNE Debug Log Levels

BNE Debug Log Levels

The valid values are,

  • CRITICAL_ERROR – System failure messages.
  • ERROR – An unexpected error in the system. 
  • WARNING – Messages trapped by the application. These errors were handled by the application but the system administrator should be aware of them occurring. Setting the profile option to this value will include ERROR as well.
  • INFORMATION – Additional messaging is added to the log file that includes processing information. Setting the profile option to this value includes CRITICAL_ERROR, WARNING, and ERROR log messages. This is the default setting.
  • DETAIL – Messages that summarize what is written to the log file. Setting the profile option to this value includes CRITICAL_ERROR, WARNING, ERROR, and INFORMATION log messages.
  • TRACE - Detailed debugging information. Includes all of the above.

  • The default value is INFORMATION.


    Sunday, September 2, 2012

    FND_SUBMIT: Request Set Submission

    The code snippet  below can be used as the skeleton for the program that submits a request set in Oracle EBS

    /* To submit a Request set which is having STAGE1 and STAGE2. STAGE1 is having 'FNDSCARU' and 'FNDPRNEV' programs. STAGE2 is having 'FNDSCURS'. */
    /* set the context for the request set FNDRSTEST */
    success := fnd_submit.set_request_set('FND', 'FNDRSTEST');
    if ( success ) then
    /* submit program FNDSCARU which is in stage STAGE1 */
    success := fnd_submit.submit_program('FND','FNDSCARU', 'STAGE1', CHR(0),'','','','','','','','','', ...arguments...);
    if ( not success ) then
    raise submit_failed;
    end if;
    /* submit program FNDPRNEV which is in stage STAGE1 */
    success := fnd_submit.submit_program('FND','FNDPRNEV', 'STAGE1','','','','','','','','','','', CHR(0),'','','','','','','','','', ...arguments...);
    if ( not success ) then
    raise submit_failed;
    end if;
    /* submit program FNDSCURS which is in stage STAGE2 */
    success := fnd_submit.submit_program('FND','FNDSCURS', 'STAGE2', CHR(0),'','','','','','','','','', ...arguments...);
    if ( not success ) then
    raise submit_failed;
    end if; /* Submit the Request Set */
    req_id := fnd_submit.submit_set(null,FALSE);
    end if;
    For details about these request set submission API, visit...
    API to remove Oracle EBS Request Set

    FND_SET.DELETE_SET(request_set => 'XXOGL_F102_PROCESS_FILE', application => 'XXPO');


    In the code above, XXOGL_F102_PROCESS_FILE is an example request set name and XXPO is an example application name.