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Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Find Lookups in eTRM

Finding Lookups and valid values for EBS can be confusing sometimes. I find it quite easy this way,

1. Go to
2. Select your EBS version. R12 is in my case.
3. Choose the product from the list. XLA for all the xla_ tables, GL for gl related tables and so on.
4. Set object type as LOOKUP and find.

I was looking for a value 'F' in xla_ae_headers.ACCOUNTING_ENTRY_STATUS_CODE. Here I find it.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Java Concurrent Program (JCP) in APPS

I find these articles very helpful for building Java concurrent program in EBS.

I would prefer to take smaller example from the first link and try it out. Anil's blog post gives you more practial way of building the program. Really liked both of them...

You can check it out.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

ANT Deployment in SOA 11g

Path setup for ANT:

I have set the PATH and JAVA_HOME variable as follows. By executing the following Set PATH command, I have just added the ant executable folder path to the existing PATH variable. echo %PATH% command shows the PATH variable after adding the ANT folder.

org.apache.ant_1.7.1 folder is found in the Jdeveloper installation directory. JDev11gR1PS3 is my JDeveloper home directory.
JAVA_HOME directory is my SOA Suite installation jdk directory. SOASuite11gPS3 is my SOA Suite installation home directory.

Package the Deployment (Generate SAR/Jar file for SOA composite)

C:\Middleware\JDev11gR1PS3\jdeveloper\bin folder has the required ant scripts

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Create SOA 11g Partition using ANT

The ant command is as follows:

ant -f ant-sca-mgmt.xml createPartition -Dhost=localhost -Dport=7001 -Duser=weblogic -Dpassword=welcome1 -Dpartition=my_ant_partition

ANT_HOME and PATH system variable was not defined in my case. So for the sake of simplicity, I executed the ant commant from the ant home location itself and mentioned the absolute path of ant-sca-mgmt.xml script (C:\Middleware\SOASuite11gPS3\Oracle_SOA1\bin\ant-sca-mgmt.xml).

The standard location of the ant scripts are

Middleware home in my case is C:\Middleware\SOASuite11gPS3\Oracle_SOA1\

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Fault Recovery Actions in SOA 11g Enterprise Manager

ActionDescriptionAction is Available for...
RetryRetries the instance directly. An example of a scenario in which to use this recovery action is when the fault occurred because the service provider was not reachable due to a network error. The network error is now resolved.BPEL process and Oracle Mediator
AbortTerminates the entire instance.BPEL process and Oracle Mediator
ReplayReplays the entire scope again in which the fault occurred.BPEL process
RethrowRethrows the current fault. BPEL fault handlers (catch branches) are used to handle the fault. By default, all exceptions are caught by the fault management framework unless an explicit rethrow fault policy is provided.BPEL process
ContinueIgnores the fault and continues processing (marks the faulted activity as a success).BPEL process


MDS in SOA 11g

I found this article very useful to place fautl policy files in MDS. Worked just fine for me...

Friday, October 5, 2012

Adding Jars/Classes to Classpath in SOA Server 11g

Deep Thoughts...: Adding Jars/Classes to Classpath in SOA Server 11g...: Custom java code requires classes/jars to be added to the classpath of the server. Here are few things to be considered: SOA Specific Clas...

Thursday, October 4, 2012

EBS R12 - Difference between Draft, Final in Create Accounting

oracle concepts for you: R12 - Difference between Draft, Final, etc in Crea...: Part -I: Online Accounting: (For single entity) DRAFT will create Journal Entries, which are NOT final, which means they are NOT ready...