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Friday, December 28, 2012

Simple setup of TNS

Simple setup of TNS

You have multiple oracle home installed in your pc! One from Oracle Client that you installed, one from Oracle Express edition database and one from oracle workflow that you installed few months back. Now you are not sure which TNSNAMES.ora is being used or should be used. The situation sounds pretty similar... isn't it? Lets try this and get rid of the dilemma!

TNS Entry:

I prefer to use oracle home from Oracle Client. In my case this is

So I have added the above TNS entry in tnsnames.ora file
Now let's cehck the existing status of my connectivity by executing tnsping:

Java Hashtable Example

import java.util.*;
public class MainClass {
  public static void main(String args[]) {
    Hashtable columnValues = new Hashtable();
    columnValues.put("Tokyo", "Japan");
    columnValues.put("Beijing", "China");
    columnValues.put("Bangkok", "Thailand");
    String city = "Beijing";
    String country = (String) columnValues.get(city);
    if (country != null)
      System.out.println(city + " is located in " + country);  //Beijing is located in China
      System.out.println(city + " is not located in the hashtable");

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

"this" keyword java examples - with and without "this"

Understanding the problem without "this" keyword

class Student{
    int id;
    String name;

    Student(int id, String name){
        id = id;
        name = name;

    void display(){
        System.out.println(id+" "+name);

    public static void main(String args[]){
        Student s1 = new Student(101, "Jahn");
        Student s2 = new Student(102, "Robin");
        s1.display(); //0 null
        s2.display(); //0 null
Solution of the above problem using "this" keyword

class Student{
    int id;
    String name;

    Student(int id, String name){ = id;                    //try with "this" keyword = name;                //try with "this" keyword

    void display(){
        System.out.println(id+" "+name);

    public static void main(String args[]){
        Student s1 = new Student(101, "Jahn");
        Student s2 = new Student(102, "Robin");
        s1.display();         s2.display();    }

Check this link. It has all 6 types of examples using "this" keyword

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Program - Inherit Segment Value Attributes

The Segment Value Inheritance program automatically propagates the attributes of a segment value to all account combinations that contain that segment value.
To protect account combinations from changes when you run the Segment Value Inheritance program, check the Preserve check box in the GL Accounts window. You can assign attributes at two levels:
  • The individual segment value in the Segment Values window.
  • The account combination in the GL Accounts window.

For example, you can disable the 200 cost center segment in the Segment Values window, but retain existing account combinations using cost center 200 by marking the Preserve check box for each combination in the GL Accounts window. Then, when you run the Segment Value Inheritance program, all account combinations that contain the 200 cost center will be disabled except for those you preserved and no new combinations will be created during data entry.
You can view the account code combinations that have been changed in either the GL Accounts window or the Segment Value Inheritance Execution Report.
Warning: Individual segment value attributes override account combination attributes.


Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Internal error has occurred in the program xla_accounting_pkg.ValidateAAD

The error is farely common in FAH. In normal case, if the Accounting Application Definition (AAD) is not validated, EBS Create Accounting - Accounting Program ends with this error.

An internal error has occurred in the program xla_accounting_pkg.ValidateAAD.  ORA-0000: normal, successful completion.
If you run Validate Application Accounting Definition program from EBS View menu > Run, in most cases the problem gets resolved. You can rerun the problematic Create Accounting again.

I have an experience where running this program didn't resolve the issue. I had to validate my AAD from the FAH AAD window, by clicking the Validate button on that screen. It resolved the issue and I could run Accounting program normally. 

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Find Lookups in eTRM

Finding Lookups and valid values for EBS can be confusing sometimes. I find it quite easy this way,

1. Go to
2. Select your EBS version. R12 is in my case.
3. Choose the product from the list. XLA for all the xla_ tables, GL for gl related tables and so on.
4. Set object type as LOOKUP and find.

I was looking for a value 'F' in xla_ae_headers.ACCOUNTING_ENTRY_STATUS_CODE. Here I find it.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Java Concurrent Program (JCP) in APPS

I find these articles very helpful for building Java concurrent program in EBS.

I would prefer to take smaller example from the first link and try it out. Anil's blog post gives you more practial way of building the program. Really liked both of them...

You can check it out.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

ANT Deployment in SOA 11g

Path setup for ANT:

I have set the PATH and JAVA_HOME variable as follows. By executing the following Set PATH command, I have just added the ant executable folder path to the existing PATH variable. echo %PATH% command shows the PATH variable after adding the ANT folder.

org.apache.ant_1.7.1 folder is found in the Jdeveloper installation directory. JDev11gR1PS3 is my JDeveloper home directory.
JAVA_HOME directory is my SOA Suite installation jdk directory. SOASuite11gPS3 is my SOA Suite installation home directory.

Package the Deployment (Generate SAR/Jar file for SOA composite)

C:\Middleware\JDev11gR1PS3\jdeveloper\bin folder has the required ant scripts

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Create SOA 11g Partition using ANT

The ant command is as follows:

ant -f ant-sca-mgmt.xml createPartition -Dhost=localhost -Dport=7001 -Duser=weblogic -Dpassword=welcome1 -Dpartition=my_ant_partition

ANT_HOME and PATH system variable was not defined in my case. So for the sake of simplicity, I executed the ant commant from the ant home location itself and mentioned the absolute path of ant-sca-mgmt.xml script (C:\Middleware\SOASuite11gPS3\Oracle_SOA1\bin\ant-sca-mgmt.xml).

The standard location of the ant scripts are

Middleware home in my case is C:\Middleware\SOASuite11gPS3\Oracle_SOA1\

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Fault Recovery Actions in SOA 11g Enterprise Manager

ActionDescriptionAction is Available for...
RetryRetries the instance directly. An example of a scenario in which to use this recovery action is when the fault occurred because the service provider was not reachable due to a network error. The network error is now resolved.BPEL process and Oracle Mediator
AbortTerminates the entire instance.BPEL process and Oracle Mediator
ReplayReplays the entire scope again in which the fault occurred.BPEL process
RethrowRethrows the current fault. BPEL fault handlers (catch branches) are used to handle the fault. By default, all exceptions are caught by the fault management framework unless an explicit rethrow fault policy is provided.BPEL process
ContinueIgnores the fault and continues processing (marks the faulted activity as a success).BPEL process


MDS in SOA 11g

I found this article very useful to place fautl policy files in MDS. Worked just fine for me...

Friday, October 5, 2012

Adding Jars/Classes to Classpath in SOA Server 11g

Deep Thoughts...: Adding Jars/Classes to Classpath in SOA Server 11g...: Custom java code requires classes/jars to be added to the classpath of the server. Here are few things to be considered: SOA Specific Clas...

Thursday, October 4, 2012

EBS R12 - Difference between Draft, Final in Create Accounting

oracle concepts for you: R12 - Difference between Draft, Final, etc in Crea...: Part -I: Online Accounting: (For single entity) DRAFT will create Journal Entries, which are NOT final, which means they are NOT ready...

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Transactions to GL: Tables Step by Step

Transactions to GL: Tables step by step

Oracle EBS GL tables are populated in this approach:

Check xla_ae_headers table if the transactions are transfered to GL successfully.

xla_ae_headers.gl_transfer_status_code = 'Y'
xla_ae_headers.gl_transfer_date is not null
xla_ae_headers.group_id is not null

For 11i data upgraded to R12 version:

xla_ae_headers.gl_transfer_status_code = 'Y'
xla_ae_headers.gl_transfer_date is null
xla_ae_headers.group_id is null
xla_ae_headers.upg_batch_id is not null (this indicates the upgraded data from 11i)

In case of errors, refer to xla_accounting_errors table.

Step 2: Query GL_IMPORT_REFERENCES table. It has reference to gl_sl_link_id column in xla_ae_lines table.

Step 3: In this stage you can query GL_JE_BATCHES, GL_JE_HEADERS, GL_JE_LNES tables.

You may find this link helpful:

Thursday, September 13, 2012

BNE Debug Log Levels

BNE Debug Log Levels

The valid values are,

  • CRITICAL_ERROR – System failure messages.
  • ERROR – An unexpected error in the system. 
  • WARNING – Messages trapped by the application. These errors were handled by the application but the system administrator should be aware of them occurring. Setting the profile option to this value will include ERROR as well.
  • INFORMATION – Additional messaging is added to the log file that includes processing information. Setting the profile option to this value includes CRITICAL_ERROR, WARNING, and ERROR log messages. This is the default setting.
  • DETAIL – Messages that summarize what is written to the log file. Setting the profile option to this value includes CRITICAL_ERROR, WARNING, ERROR, and INFORMATION log messages.
  • TRACE - Detailed debugging information. Includes all of the above.

  • The default value is INFORMATION.


    Sunday, September 2, 2012

    FND_SUBMIT: Request Set Submission

    The code snippet  below can be used as the skeleton for the program that submits a request set in Oracle EBS

    /* To submit a Request set which is having STAGE1 and STAGE2. STAGE1 is having 'FNDSCARU' and 'FNDPRNEV' programs. STAGE2 is having 'FNDSCURS'. */
    /* set the context for the request set FNDRSTEST */
    success := fnd_submit.set_request_set('FND', 'FNDRSTEST');
    if ( success ) then
    /* submit program FNDSCARU which is in stage STAGE1 */
    success := fnd_submit.submit_program('FND','FNDSCARU', 'STAGE1', CHR(0),'','','','','','','','','', ...arguments...);
    if ( not success ) then
    raise submit_failed;
    end if;
    /* submit program FNDPRNEV which is in stage STAGE1 */
    success := fnd_submit.submit_program('FND','FNDPRNEV', 'STAGE1','','','','','','','','','','', CHR(0),'','','','','','','','','', ...arguments...);
    if ( not success ) then
    raise submit_failed;
    end if;
    /* submit program FNDSCURS which is in stage STAGE2 */
    success := fnd_submit.submit_program('FND','FNDSCURS', 'STAGE2', CHR(0),'','','','','','','','','', ...arguments...);
    if ( not success ) then
    raise submit_failed;
    end if; /* Submit the Request Set */
    req_id := fnd_submit.submit_set(null,FALSE);
    end if;
    For details about these request set submission API, visit...
    API to remove Oracle EBS Request Set

    FND_SET.DELETE_SET(request_set => 'XXOGL_F102_PROCESS_FILE', application => 'XXPO');


    In the code above, XXOGL_F102_PROCESS_FILE is an example request set name and XXPO is an example application name.

    Friday, August 31, 2012

    Rate Interface Design Idea for Oracle Apps

    Reuters, Bloomberg are vendors who provide currency rates. Many applications in the business world fetches the daily rates from them and import them into the applications. The same can also be done in oracle EBS by following the design steps below,

    1. Generate a rate request file according the guide provided by the vendor. Can be produced by running a concurrent program which will write the rate request file in the form of a CP output file.
    2. A shell script can be called from EBS to encrypt the out file and send it to the vendor through FTP or any other suitable media.
    3. Send the encrypted request file to the vendor through ftp or any other media.
    4. Obtain the response file from the vendor and decrypt it.
    5. Again use a shell program to load the data into GL_DAILY_RATES_INTERFACE table.
    6. Call the concurrent program “Program - Daily Rates Import and Calculation”.
    7. Follow the standard oracle apps processes for rate import until the end.

    This article can also be helpful.

    Wednesday, August 29, 2012

    Import a package by Using SQL Server Management Studio

    1. Click Start, point to Microsoft SQL Server, and then click SQL Server Management Studio.
    2. In the Connect to Server dialog box set the following options:
      • In the Server type box, select Integration Services.
      • In the Server name box, provide a server name or click <Browse for more…> and locate the server to use.
    3. If Object Explorer is not open, on the View menu, click Object Explorer.
    4. In Object Explorer, expand the Stored Packages folder.
    5. Expand the subfolders to locate the folder into which you want to import a package.
    6. Right-click the folder, click Import Package. and then do one of the following:
      • To import from an instance of SQL Server, select the SQL Server option, and then specify the server and select the authentication mode. If you select SQL Server Authentication, provide a user name and a password.
        Click the browse button (…), select the package to import, and then click OK.
      • To import from the file system, select the File system option.
        Click the browse button (…), select the package to import, and then click Open.
      • To import from the SSIS Package Store, select the SSIS Package Store option and specify the server.
        Click the browse button (…), select the package to import, and then click OK.
    7. Optionally, update the package name.
    8. To update the protection level of the package, click the browse button (…) and choose a different protection level by using the Package Protection Level dialog box. If the Encrypt sensitive data with password or the Encrypt all data with password option is selected, type and confirm a password.
    9. Click OK to complete the import.


    Export an SSIS package by Using SQL Server Management Studio

    1. Click Start, point to Microsoft SQL Server, and then click SQL Server Management Studio.
    2. In the Connect to Server dialog box, set the following options:
      • In the Server type box, select Integration Services.
      • In the Server name box, provide a server name or click <Browse for more…> and locate the server to use.
    3. If Object Explorer is not open, on the View menu, click Object Explorer.
    4. In Object Explorer, expand the Stored Packages folder.
    5. Expand the subfolders to locate the package you want to export.
    6. Right-click the package, click Export, and then do one of the following:
      • To export to an instance of SQL Server, select the SQL Server option, and then specify the server and select the authentication mode. If you select SQL Server Authentication, provide a user name and a password.
        Click the browse button (…), and expand the SSIS Packages folder to locate the folder to which you want to save the package. Optionally, update the default name of the package, and then click OK.
      • To export to the file system, select the File System option.
        Click the browse button (…) to locate the folder to which you want to export the package, type the name of the package file, and then click Save.
      • To export to the SSIS package store, select the SSIS Package Store option, and specify the server.
        Click the browse button (…), expand the SSIS Packages folder, and select the folder to which you want to save the package. Optionally, enter a new name for the package in the Package Name text box. Click OK.
    7. To update the protection level of the package, click the browse button (…) and choose a different protection level by using the Package Protection Level dialog box. If the Encrypt sensitive data with password or the Encrypt all data with password option is selected, type and confirm a password.
    8. Click OK to complete the export.

    Oracle Apps framework to delete concurrent program

    fnd_program.delete_program('short name of the concurrent program to be deleted','Schema');
    fnd_program.delete_executable('short name of the concurrent program to be deleted','Schema');


    MS SQL Server Basic Queries

    1. List all the database objects 
    Select * from Sysobjects
    The list of all of the possible values for the xtype column in the sysobjects table of a SQL Server database:
    • C - CHECK constraint
    • D - Default or DEFAULT constraint
    • F - FOREIGN KEY constraint
    • L - Log
    • P - Stored procedure
    • PK - PRIMARY KEY constraint
    • RF - Replication filter stored procedure
    • S - System table
    • TR - Trigger
    • U - User table
    • UQ - UNIQUE constraint
    • V - View
    • X - Extended stored procedure
    2. List all the columns on the database

    Select * from syscolumns

    Monday, August 13, 2012

    Increment Date Parameter Doesn't Re-evaluate the Date Value Issue

    I have had this issue recently where I had put default type for the concurrent program parameter as SQL statment and put a value. I expected this to be re-evaluated everytime the concurrent program will be executed. But I found it takes the first value I had put for the program. It doesn't increment the parameter value eventhough I had checked the Increment Date Value. I found the metalink note 339849.1(Unexpected Behavior Using Increment Date Parameter Each Run) that explains how this situation can be handled.

    Saturday, August 11, 2012

     Technology Adapters 10g to 11g Migration


    Upgrade Tasks associated with Technology Adapters

    Ø  Verifying Adapters with the Oracle JDeveloper 11g Adapter Configuration Wizard
    After upgrading Oracle SOA Suite 10g projects to Oracle SOA Suite 11g, Oracle recommends to use the adapter configuration wizard to verify the upgrade of your technology adapters. This will ensure that all required fields in 11g are populated and that the adapter connections to new Oracle Fusion Middleware SOA Suite 11g environment are valid.

    Ø  Upgrading Adapter Header variables
    Issue: After upgrading an application that uses adapter headers, you will likely receive an error after you open the Application in Oracle JDeveloper 11g. The error will indicate that a variable or parameter was not recognized while it was parsing a header function.
    This is caused by a change in the way adapter header variables are defined in Oracle Fusion Middleware SOA Suite 11g.  In Oracle Application Server 10g Release 3 (10.1.3), you create adapter header variables in a wsdl file that has a name like, or a similar name for the direction and adapter type you are using: fileAdapterOutboundHeader.wsdl
    How to create a JNDI for MQ Adapter on Weblogic

    This post explains how to create a simple JNDI for MQ Adapter in Weblogic 10.3.x. This JNDI properties can be further changed to configure One-way or Two-way SSL on MQ Adapter as explained in post Enabling SSL on MQ Series Adapter - Part 2.
    • Login to Weblogic Server Administration Console and navigate to Deployments > MQSeriesAdapter > Configuration Tab > Outbound Connection Pool.

    • Click on New button and select javax.resource.cci.ConnectionFactory and click Next.
    Correlating the request/response messages in MQ Series Adapter – Oracle SOA 11g


    Mapping a response to a request in a request-reply interaction requires correlation.The MQ adapter provide the inbuilt options to correlate the request and response messages, there is no need of implementing the custom correlation to correlate the request and response messages.
    Each MQSeries request message contains a message ID and a correlation ID. When an application receives a request message from Oracle BPEL PM, it checks for the correlation schema defined for the response message. Based on the correlation schema, the application generates the message ID and correlation ID of the response message. Based on the Message ID/Correlation ID the request/response messages will be correlated in the MQAdapter.

    How to create and purge a AQ Queue/Topic

    I was looking for testing the AQ Adapter and that forced me to look for steps on how to create and purge a AQ Queue/Topic? I referred the Article which explains all about AQ but in brief the steps are as under,

    Creating a AQ Queue:

    1. Grant the privileges to the Database User
    2. Create a Queue/Topic table
    3. Create a Queue/Topic
    4. Start the Queue/Topic

    In SQL terms,

    1. Grant the privileges:

    connect as sys;

    grant connect, resource, aq_administrator_role to [USER] identified by [USER];
    grant execute on sys.dbms_aqadm to [USER];
    grant execute on sys.dbms_aq to [USER];
    grant execute on sys.dbms_aqin to [USER];
    grant execute on sys.dbms_aqjms to [USER];

    Oracle SOA 11g AQ Adapter Resource 2


    Oracle SOA Suite 11g – Configure AQ Adapter Resource 1

    AQAdapters (Same type of config works for Apps adapter)

    AQ is Oracle’s Advanced Queuing – a database backed channel. We use AQ Queues a lot when doing integration projects and it always helps to have a local install of SOA Suite with AQ capabilities (i.e. your own DB with AQ Queues etc)
    Weblogic requires a “weblogic-ra.xml” along with the “ra.xml” file in the “META-INF” folder of the RAR file for the adapter.  The trickiest part is getting the Web console to apply changes … what I mean is that initially I tried to “Update” an existing “Deployment” of AQAdapter from the Weblogic Admin Console and it blew up … later I found out because the AQAdapter was packaged up in a RAR file (and not exploded on the filesystem) …as a result my changes from the console were not making it through.
    The steps below show how I extracted the AQAdapter.rar to AQAdapter folder I created under the $SOA_HOME/soa/connectors/  folder. You can use these steps to configure any adapter (I have personally tested Oracle Apps Adapter – screen shots later)

    Thursday, May 3, 2012

    BPEL dehydration data store tables and their significance.

    Dehydration store is the database where BPEL engine stores all BPEL processes meta data and run time instance data.This data store is installed under db schema- ORABPEL
    Meta data includes bpel process descriptor (bpel.xml), human task modelling data etc..
    Run time instance data includes process instance records, process activities execution data, invoke and call back xml messages etc..

    Table nameDescription
    CUBE_INSTANCEContains one entry for each BPEL instance created. It stores instance meta data information like creation date,last modified date, current state, process id etc.
    Following are processes state codes and their meaning
    Closed and Aborted8
    Closed and Cancelled7
    Closed and Completed 5
    Closed and Faulted 6
    Closed and (Pending or Cancel)4
    Closed and Stale9
    Initiated 0
    Open and Faulted3
    Open and Running1
    Open and Suspended2
    CUBE_SCOPEStores the scope data for an instance. It stores BPEL scope variable values
    INVOKE_MESSAGEStores incoming (invocation) messages (messages that result in the creation of an instance). This table only stores the meta data for a message (for example, current state, process identifier, and receive date). Following are message states and their meanings
    CANCELLEDMessage Processing Cancelled3
    HANDLEDMessage is processed2
    RESOLVEDMessage is given to BPEL PM but not yet processed1
    UNRESOLVEDMessage is not yet given to BPEL PM0
    DLV_MESSAGECall back messages are stored here
    WORK_ITEMStores activities created by an instance. All activities in a BPEL flow have a work_item table. This table includes the meta data for the activity (current state, label, and expiration date (used by wait activities))
    SCOPE_ACTIVATIONScopes that need to be routed/closed/compensated are inserted into this table. In case of system failure, we can pick up and re-perform any scopes that should have been done before the failure
    DLV_SUBSCRIPTIONStores delivery subscriptions for an instance. Whenever an instance expects a message from a partner (for example, the receive or onMessage activity) a subscription is written out for that specific receive activity. Once a delivery message is received the delivery layer attempts to correlate the message with the intended subscription
    AUDIT_TRAILStores record of actions taken on an instance. As an instance is processed, each activity writes events to the audit trail as XML
    AUDIT_DETAILSStores details for audit trail events that are large in size. Audit details are separated from the audit_trail table due to their large size. The auditDetailThreshold property in Oracle BPEL Control under Manage BPEL Domain > Configuration is used by this table. If the size of a detail is larger than the value specified for this property, it is placed in this table. Otherwise, it is placed in the audit_trail table
    XML_DOCUMENTStores process input and output xml documents. Separating the document storage from the meta data enables the meta data to change frequently without being impacted by the size of the documents
    WI_EXCEPTIONStores exception messages generated by failed attempts to perform, manage or complete a work item. Each failed attempt is logged as an exception message
    PROCESS_DESCRIPTORStores BPEL processes deployment descriptor(bpel.xml)
    Record of events (informational, debug, error) encountered while interacting with a process.
    INVOKE_MESSAGE_BINStores invoke payload of a process. This table has foreign key relationship with INVOKE_MESSAGE table
    DLV_MESSAGE_BINStores received payload of a call-back process.This table has foreign key relationship with DLV_MESSAGE
    WFTASKStores human workflow tasks run time meta data like taskid,title,state,user or group assigned, created and updated dates
    WFTASKMETADATAStores task meta data. Content in this table comes from '.task' file of BPEL project
    WFASSIGNEEStores task assignee information
    WFMESSAGEATTRIBUTEStores task input payload parameters
    WFATTACHMENTStores task attachments
    WFCOMMENTSStores task comments


    Monday, January 9, 2012

    How to find log files locations in 11i and R12

    The following log files location could help you to find-out issues and errors from your application 11i instance.

    Database Tier Logs are

    Alert Log File location:

    Trace file location:

    Application Tier Logs

    Start/Stop script log files location:

    OPMN log file location

    Apache, Jserv, JVM log files locations:

    Concurrent log file location:

    Patch log file location:

    Worker Log file location:

    AutoConfig log files location:
    Application Tier:

    Database Tier:

    Error log file location:
    Application Tier:

    Database Tier :

    In Oracle Applications R12, the log files are located in $LOG_HOME (which translates to $INST_TOP/logs)
    Below list of log file locations could be helpful for you:

    Concurrent Reqeust related logs
    $LOG_HOME/appl/conc - > location for concurrent requests log and out files
    $LOG_HOME/appl/admin - > location for mid tier startup scripts log files

    Apache Logs (10.1.3 Oracle Home which is equivalent to iAS Oracle Home - Apache, OC4J and OPMN)
    $LOG_HOME/ora/10.1.3/Apache - > Location for Apache Error and Access log files
    $LOG_HOME/ora/10.1.3/j2ee - > location for j2ee related log files
    $LOG_HOME/ora/10.1.3/opmn - > location for opmn related log files

    Forms & Reports related logs (10.1.2 Oracle home which is equivalent to 806 Oracle Home)

    Startup/Shutdown Log files location:

    Patch log files location:

    Clone and AutoConfig log files location in Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 

    Logs for the are located: 
    On the database tier: 
    RDBMS $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/log/< context >/StageDBTier_< timestamp >.log 

    On the application tier: 
    $INST_TOP/admin/log/StageAppsTier_< timestamp >.log 

    Where the logs for the are located? 
    On the application tier: 
    $INST_TOP/admin/log/MakeAppsUtil_< timestamp >.log 

    Logs for the are located:

    On the database tier: 
    RDBMS $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/log/< context >/ApplyDBTier_< timestamp >.log 

    On the application tier: 
    $INST_TOP/admin/log/ApplyAppsTier_< timestamp >.log 
    Logs for the adconfig are located: 

    On the database tier: 
    RDBMS $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/log/< context >/< timestamp >/adconfig.log 
    RDBMS $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/log/< context >/< timestamp >/NetServiceHandler.log 

    On the application tier: 
    $INST_TOP/admin/log/< timestamp >/adconfig.log 
    $INST_TOP/admin/log/< timestamp >/NetServiceHandler.log