2. Open Application > Function
3. Query the function FWK_HOMEPAGE_BRAND
4. Replace the User Function Name with the text you would like to appear
5. Query the function OAHOMEPAGE
6. Click on tab Web HTML and make sure it looks like this. If not, update it as follows
2. Open Application > Function
3. Query the function FWK_HOMEPAGE_BRAND
4. Replace the User Function Name with the text you would like to appear
5. Query the function OAHOMEPAGE
6. Click on tab Web HTML and make sure it looks like this. If not, update it as follows
OA.jsp?page=/oracle/apps/fnd/framework/navigate/webui/HomePG&homePage=Y&OAPB=FWK_HOMEPAGE_BRAND7. Save, logout and login. You should see the change now!!!